Hazardous Materials Business Plan (HMBP)

HazSafe Solution understands the critical role of well-structured plans and countermeasures in managing HAZMAT incidents and preventing workplace disasters. Based on the type and quantity of hazardous materials at your facility, we assist in developing comprehensive plans, including spill prevention, emergency response, and Hazardous Materials Business Plans (HMBPs). Our mission is to ensure compliance with local first responders and environmental health agency requirements. Beyond plan and permit development, we provide a full suite of Hazardous Material services, such as inventory management, training, and reporting, to enhance workplace safety and regulatory compliance.

If your business has hazardous materials or hazardous waste on-site in amounts that meet or surpass the following specific thresholds at any point in the year, Hazardous Materials Business Plans (HMBPs) are mandatory:

  • 55 gal. of liquid hazardous materials (one drum)

  • 200ft³. of compressed gas (one large cylinder)

  • 500 lbs. of solid hazardous materials

If your facility exceeds these thresholds, you must prepare:

  • Hazardous Materials Inventory

  • Site Map

  • Contingency Plan

The data is submitted online to the California Environmental Reporting System (CERS) and is reviewed and re-submitted annually. HazSafe Solution provides short or long-term contracts to manage the Hazardous Materials Business Plan (HMBP)

PPE Being Worn By Employee During A Monthly Visual SPCC Inspection

CERS Reporting Services

The California Environmental Reporting System (CERS) is a web-based platform mandated by Assembly Bill 2286. It facilitates the electronic exchange of necessary Unified Program information among businesses, local governments, and the U.S. EPA. Regulated businesses and local Unified Program Agencies (UPAs) are obligated to electronically report and submit mandatory Unified Program information through CERS.

  • HMPB - Development, Updating and Annual submittal

  • Business Activities

  • Hazardous Materials Inventory

  • Site Map

  • Emergency Response Plan

  • Employee Training Plan

DTSC Reporting Services

  • Waste tracking and reporting

  • Biennial Reporting

  • Yearly Electronic Verification Questionnaire

  • Employee Training

Hazardous Waste

Hazardous waste is often an inevitable byproduct of a business’s operations, but HazSafe Solution is here to help you navigate the various local, state, and federal regulations that apply to the management and disposal of your waste. Hazardous waste is overseen by regulatory agencies at all governmental levels and is managed through a “cradle to grave” cycle with several requirements throughout the process, such as plans, inspections, reporting, and recordkeeping. Understanding these requirements can be a challenge, but whether your facility is a small or large quantity generator requiring assistance or you are just about to start generating hazardous waste, we can help ensure you remain in compliance every step of the way.

Many facilities generate hazardous waste including items such as:

  • Used Oil

  • Used Antifreeze

  • Oily Absorbents

  • Used Oil Filters

  • Batteries

Facilities that do so must follow certain requirements regulated by the EPA, DTSC, and other local agencies. HazSafe Solutions provides services that help your facility stay in compliance.

Used And Virgin Hazardous Material And Hazardous Waste Drum At A Client Facility

Hazardous Waste Inspections

A HazSafe consultant will visit your site to assess your hazardous waste storage area and determine your Generator Status: RCRA Generator, Large Quantity Generator (LQG), or Small Quantity Generator (SQG). We’ll provide an easy-to-follow inspection report with a checklist highlighting deficiencies and offering actionable recommendations. These recommendations will help ensure you meet all requirements, including labeling, secondary containment, maintenance, and overall compliance.

HazSafe Solutions can guide you through the CUPA regulatory inspection process, conduct internal inspections, or help maintain your documentation to keep you compliantand ready of those unannounced inspections..

Electronic Verification Questionnaire (EVQ)

All facilities who are generating hazardous waste and getting pick-ups must complete this annual submittal to maintain an active EPA ID number and report manifests accurately. This questionnaire is completed through the DTSC to verify and ensure that records are complete. HazSafe Solutions can help review manifest records and ensure that your facility’s submittal is done properly.

Hazsafe Solutions also helps with reporting and compliance requirements including:

  • Biennial Hazardous Waste Report

  • SB14 Reporting

  • Hazardous Waste Training

Non Qualified ASPA Facility Quarterly Site Visit

Spill Prevention Control and Countermeasure Plan (SPCC)

If your facility stores oil in an Above Ground Storage Tank (AST) of 1320 gallons or more, or an Underground Storage Tank (UST) of 42,000 gallons or more, you likely need to create a Spill Prevention, Control, and Countermeasure (SPCC) plan to prepare for potential spills.

Oil-based products requiring an SPCC include:

  • Petroleum

  • Machine coolants (water-soluble synthetic cutting fluids used in CNC machines, mills, lathes etc.

  • Fuel oil

  • Sludge

  • Oil refuse

  • Fats

  • Greases or oils of animal, fish, or marine mammal origin

  • Vegetable,Synthetic and Mineral oils

If a facility has less than 10,000 gallons of cumulative storage capacity, they should complete a self-certified "Tier I" plan. For facilities with over 10,000 gallons, a "Tier II" plan is required, which must be reviewed and certified by a Professional Engineer (PE). SPCC plans need evaluation and resubmission every five years. HazSafe Solutions can create a customized plan for your facility or review an update an existing one to ensure ongoing compliance.

SPCC Inspections

A HazSafe Consultant will walk your site and evaluate your SPCC status: Tier I, Tier II, or Non-Qualified. An easy-to-follow checklist-style inspection report will be created, highlighting any deficiencies and recommendations. These recommendations will guide you in meeting compliance requirements, including placarding, secondary containment, documentation, training, maintenance, and overall regulatory standards.

If your facility has deficiencies, we can provide implementable recommendations to guide the site into compliance.